Protect your employees and your company
Hiring new employees can be stressful for employers, but the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. Some benefits of Pre-Employment Services include minimizing risk & liability, screening for quality candidates, and promoting a drug-free environment.
From wondering who will perform the drug tests to who can conduct physical examinations, finding a company that can perform the services may be difficult. At Nova Medical Centers, we handle all pre-employment services for employers and their new employees. Nova Medical Centers’ team of medical professionals are experts in ADA, DOT, NIOSH, OSHA, and other state and federal regulations which govern the occupational medicine industry. This expertise is a necessary component to help avoid potential risks and losses.
What we offer:
- Drug Testing
- Drug Screening
- Employee physicals
- Compliance Physicals
- Pre-employment drug screening
- Compliance with physical performance evaluations
Drug Testing
Testing for drugs is essential for almost all jobs that require any cognitive thinking and physical movements such as truck drivers and roofers or construction workers. Drug testing is necessary to ensure that new hires are not abusing drugs/alcohol as this may be harmful to themselves and the company. Drug screenings are beneficial and can lead to an increase in productivity and company morale.
- DOT-regulated drug screens are reported online within 24-48 hours.
- Pre-employment drug screens and screen/eCup are available to accommodate employers’ needs.
- Breath Alcohol Testing is another feature Nova offers.
Updates are recorded through Nova’s online portal system, Occuflex®, in real-time. We also offer 24/7 on-site drug and alcohol testing capability and follow all federal regulations.
Nova also conducts physicals for new employees. Physicals are necessary for jobs such as truck drivers, construction workers, maintenance and repair workers, and many other positions that require heavy lifting and moving. Conducting physical examinations is necessary to first ensure that no one’s health is jeopardized by their work, and second to ensure that no one’s health is keeping them from properly doing their job.
- Physical exams may include endurance, balance, stamina, flexibility, and strength tests.
- All physicals and physical performance evaluations are ADA-compliant.
- DOT-regulated physicals are recorded in real-time.
- Respiratory evaluations may be conducted if the job environment has minimal oxygen and requires masks such as a firefighter.
- Hearing and vision may also be tested. The benefits of these exams are for both the employee and the employer to see if the job is a good match.
Updates for physicals are recorded via Occuflex®. These exams are related only to the job offered and comply with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA).