Anything can happen, make sure you have the equipment to be prepared
An office environment presents a unique set of potential injuries from other lines of work. Working indoors paves the way for some of the top injuries; In fact, office workers are 2 to 2.5 times more likely to suffer a disabling injury from a fall than non-office workers. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) mandates certain industries must have specific items in their first aid kit. But for most offices, a first aid kit won’t be enough in the case of an emergency. To be prepared and prevent injuries, make sure to have these emergency must-haves in your office.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
OSHA has published rules and standards about what employers are required to provide and what employees should do to ensure a safe work environment. Types of PPE include:
- Hard Hats
- Eye Protection
- Respirators
- Hearing protection
- Gloves, Boots, and Protective Clothing
First Aid Kit
OSHA mandates first aid supplies must be on hand to supply medical assistance and checked and restocked every time something is used. Depending on the industry you work in, you may have to have custom items in your first aid kit. Items to consider are:
- Band-Aids in various sizes
- Compression bandages
- Gauze
- Antiseptic/Antibacterial cream
- Burn ointment
- CPR breathing barrier
- Disposable thermometers
- Tweezers
- Scissors
- Splints
- Instant cold packs and heating pads
- Pain reliever (both aspirin and non-aspirin ibuprofen)
- Tape
- Butterfly bandages
- Gloves – both latex and silicone-based as some people have latex allergies
Fire Extinguisher
Clear out small, manageable fires with fire extinguishers. Make sure you have one on every office floor and that they are visible and easily accessible. It is important to place the fire extinguishers near places a fire could be started such as the break room. There are many types of fire extinguishers; check with OSHA to make sure your office has the adequate type to put out fires related to your industry.
Having this equipment will help you prevent an injury and control the emergency if it presents itself. Making certain everyone in the office is informed of how to use all the equipment is important to ensure preparedness. Many organizations provide first aid training to their employees and other organizations specialize in training others in first aid.
Nova Medical Center offers safety training to help get your office prepared for any unfortunate incidents. In case an injury like falling does occur, contact Nova Medical Center to help with any physical therapy that may be needed. Our team of highly skilled, licensed physical therapy staff utilizes the most current clinical evidence to apply a one-on-one, sports therapy approach to providing care; resulting in returning to work sooner, safer and stronger.