You come home from work after a busy day and you feel like your head has increased in size. You may investigate your medicine cabinet trying to find some pain relief medicine to release the stress in your brain. However, you should check your cabinet and pull out your favorite bottle of red wine.
Wine has wide list of health benefits such as protection from Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular health, dental, and weight loss. However, it’s all about how much you should consume. According to the American Heart Association “An average of one to two drinks per day and one drink for women.” Here are a few tips to encourage moderate consumption of wine. Remember to always drink responsibly.
Could Help Prevent Alzheimer’s – According to USC News, “A Swedish study that spanned 34 years found that wine protected women against developing Alzheimer’s disease, especially when their only alcohol was wine.” Everyone has precious moments in their life. Lower your risk of memory.
Healthy Heart – Consuming your favorite wine brings a happy heart. In addition, it can help prevent heart disease. Wide Open Eats explains “After 21 consecutive days of consumption was that blood vessel cell health was enhanced, improving the flow of blood.” Your heart requires blood to keep you moving. Therefore, consuming wine should help ease a pathway to your heart.
Dental – Drinking wine can fight some dental diseases. Polyphenols referred to like red wine and grape seeds can have the ability to lower bacteria from sticking to your teeth. Ask yourself, “how often do I visit the dentist?” Answers are not many visits. Stay ahead of the game and become your own dentist (not really) and combat diseases cavities and gum disease. You’d be surprised what the power of wine can do for your teeth.
Weight loss –Polyphenols can also regulate your weight. Entertaining Times present “Polyphenol converts white fat, which are larger cells that store energy and expand as we gain weight, into obesity-fighting beige fat and this fat is much easier to lose.” Could wine possibly be the next treadmill? Keep in mind that it’s how much you’re indulging.
It’s good to know that a glass of wine can help some people. Of course, you know yourself and whether or not incorporating a glass can help you. It’s most important to consume wine or any alcohol, responsibly.