Increase productivity and decrease costs At Nova, we focus on the employee, getting them back to work stronger and...
The Nova Blog
Common Allergies & How They Affect You At Work
Be more efficient at work by learning how to manage your allergies Allergy season is upon us and it is important to know...
3 Apps For Employee Health & Wellness
Apps can provide a new way for employees to stay at the top of their game, mentally and physically. Challenging the brain...
Macular Degeneration
What age does Macular Degeneration affect? The number one leading cause of severe vision loss is due to Age-Related Macular...
Top New Year’s resolutions
It's a new year and time to make those New Year's resolutions! Most of us will, with good intentions, make the resolutions,...
Habits to keep you and your family healthy this winter
The cold air is upon us! In fact, there are people in Southeast Texas who have joked by saying, "December 26, 2015 was the...
Don’t Sabotage Weight Loss Goals During the Holiday Season
With parties among family and friends and potlucks aplenty planned at your workplace, it can be hard to keep the pounds off...
Brown Bagging it For Health
Sure, it’s fun to eat out with your work colleagues. You get to trade gossip, show them pictures of your kids, or talk...
Brain Boosting Tips
From the summer heat beating down on you to just being stuck in a routine, your brain isn't always running at optimal...
Benefits of Coconut Oil
The phrase "super food" gets used a lot in today's headline driven articles, but is there a cost-effective "super food"...
5 Health and Safety-Minded New Year’s Resolutions
With the New Year in full-swing, Nova Medical Centers knows it can be tough to attain your resolutions for a full year, so...
Eating On The Job = Eating For Productivity
There’s a lot of buzz in the media and boardroom about the effect of a good (or bad) night’s sleep on employee...