Work can be like your second home. You spend most of your time during the day, if not all week, contributing to fulfilling your company’s goal and/or job requirements. Being that this may be your career choice, you should enjoy what you do and work should not take away from your happiness. With these few mental health advice, hopefully, you can get a push to train your mindset to enjoy your work environment for your own happiness and wellbeing.
Let’s start here…
- Building relationships with your co-workers is important. This allows the workplace to feel comfortable and friendly. Healthy relationships establish an inviting atmosphere to share personal concerns and relate to others, who may have similar feelings that can build a support team with one another.
- Getting fresh air or a little sun exposure can uplift your spirits. “Exposure to sunlight is thought to increase the brain’s release of a hormone called serotonin,” according to Health Line article; “Serotonin is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm and focused.” Try to incorporate small work breaks outside to restore your energy and refresh your day.
- Get well-rested. Exhaustion can contribute to sadness, fatigue, loss of energy or lack of motivation. You should wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready to tackle your day, not wishing you had an excuse just to fit in some extra hours of sleep! Read our Nova blog for great tips to achieving a good night’s rest.
- Communicate effectively with your manager or employer. We are all human and might have some bad days or need a mental health day to ourselves. If you’re feeling down or not yourself, respectively, express to your boss about your concerns and take a day to restore your mental health. That way you can return to your daily responsibilities or job with refurbished positively thinking to be productive.
- Try out different activities outside of work that will help or contribute to a healthy mind. Things such as yoga, establishing a new workout routine, walks outside, more time with loved ones or maybe pick up a painting or cooking class. Get involved with anything that you feel will make you make and feel great about yourself.
When you take care of yourself, not just physically but mentally too, you are able to treat loved ones or co-workers around you at your best capabilities and contribute to your work confidently without it feeling like a burden or it taking away from your peace of mind. If you feel like you may need extra guidance with restoring your mental wellness, reach out to a certified physician who will be happy to assist you with your needs and provide you with a proper plan. Health is Wealth!