April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month and the National Safety Council put out a great infographic for employers on how they can lower accidents caused from cell phone use while employees drive.
Does your company have a cell phone policy for employees? Here are some interesting facts from the infographic on the dangers of cell phone use while driving and the importance of a safety policy in place:
- 25% of all crashes involve cell phones. 4% of those crashes are from drivers texting. This stat doesn’t cover how many accidents occurred because of drivers checking emails so this number might be slightly higher.
- Need another reason for a cell phone policy? How about liability? Check out this report from the NSC on the importance of a comprehensive cell phone policy for employers.
- Putting a ban on cell phones in cars will more than likely not decrease productivity. In fact, the NSC found that only 1% of companies reported a decrease in productivity after putting a safety policy.
Take a look at the full infographic below and for more information visit the National Safety Council.