We are so proud to announce Dr. Sarah Fink, PT, DPT, Cert. MDT, the Supervising Physical Therapist in our Austin-North clinic has been published in the Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy along with Joseph R. Maccio, Richard Yarznbowicz, and Stephen May. This is one of the only international peer-reviewed journals dedicated to Orthopaedic Physical Therapy research and is a great resource for anyone passionate about the field of manual therapy.
The topic presented is “The application of mechanical diagnosis and therapy in lateral epicondylalgia and she had this to say about her research:
When I was working towards my Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy training through clinical internships and continuing education courses, it was evident there was a lack of research using this method. After seeing patients having successful outcomes, I felt passionate about sharing my results. Overall, it is my goal to expose physical therapists to this approach, which has given me a systematic way in treating patients with musculoskeletal injuries.
This is such an enlightening research topic and we, here at Nova Medical Centers, are so proud to have her a part of our team!
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Dr. Sarah Fink, PT, DPT, Cert. MDT was raised in upstate New York and attended an accelerated undergraduate/graduate program at The Sage Colleges in Troy, NY to earn her DPT. After graduation, she moved to Texas and started with the Nova team in September of 2014. With the gorgeous Texas weather, she loves hiking around Austin with her husband and dogs.