According to National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center, hurricane season reaches its peak between August and October in both the Eastern Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Basin. You can’t rely on the forecast to determine whether or not you should prepare for a hurricane. Let’s face it; Mother Nature is so unpredictable that not even experts can accurately predict her next move.
Staying prepared is the best route. Below are 3 tips to prepare for a hurricane at your workplace:
- Having an evacuation plan in place ensures workers can get to safety in case a hurricane affects the area. A thorough evacuation plan should include:
- Conditions that will activate the plan
- Chain of command
- Emergency functions and who will perform them
- Specific evacuation procedures, including routes and exits
- Procedures for accounting for personnel, customers, and visitors
- Equipment for personnel
2. Prepare your employees
Having a plan is not enough. Participating in crisis drills where employees practice the evacuation plan better prepares your employees if a hurricane does occur. Constantly practicing and discussing your plan expresses the importance your company places on your employee’s safety.
- Test your emergency communication plans
Sending an email, a text alert or testing a public address system ensures you are able to provide critical information to employees if an emergency occurs. Be sure to include identifiers such as “THIS IS A TEST” to avoid confusion.
Emergency Action Plans help communicate procedures during an emergency to all employees within an organization. Engagement and implementation of emergency plans assist in illuminating confusion during natural disasters. You may not be able to predict when a hurricane might strike, but you can control how you prepare for one.
Nova Medical Centers focuses solely on occupational health. We pride ourselves in providing exceptional services and helping our clients prioritize their health and safety above all else. Our Nova Lunch and Learns are designed to communicate up-to-date safety regulations to employers and employees and are hosted at one of our facilities regularly. Topics include a hurricane or natural disaster preparedness, preparing for an active shooter situation and more. Contact Us to learn more about the next event.
Written by Nayda Sanchez