Here are some ways you can beat the heat. Drink plenty of water – It is said to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of...
The Nova Blog
Binge Watching
Laying down and watching one of your favorite TV shows is a great way to spend a day off. It relaxes you, de-stresses you,...
Returning to Work After Vacation
Mid way through the summer and the warmer weather also calls for vacation! Going on vacation and having a few days off is...
Benefits of a Good Chair
Whether you’re at work or home, you usually spend at least eight or more hours sitting down and you begin to realize that...
Preventing a House Fire
Between 2012 and 2016, fire incidents have caused 11,670 injuries and 2,560 deaths according to NFPA. Fire incident are...
The Pros and Cons of Energy Drinks
While you’re indulging in your cold energy drink, do you really know the contents that are going into your body? Do you...
Tips for Staying Healthy as a Truck Driver
According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, trucking is the eighth most dangerous job in the United States. Drivers...
Summer is in full swing. While enjoying time outdoors with your family and friends, it’s easy to get caught up in all the...
Why Working Out Before Work is Beneficial
Waking up early and getting ready for work is a hassle. So why should you wake up even earlier to get a thirty minute to an...
Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle on Vacation
Summer is in full swing! Summer signifies warmer weather, and the warmer weather calls for vacation. Going on vacation and...
Nova Featured Employee – Michael
Michael Couch has been a driving force at Nova Medical Centers for more than 13 years. He currently serves as the...
Staying Hydrated
Water is vital for most processes your body goes through daily. When you drink water, you replenish your body and flush out...